Shorter URL: |
Register Domain: |
So, you have a web page and it is a very good one, but the only problem you have is that
your current URL is too long and you don't want to spend money for your own domain name. Well in that case you can
use the services of the companies listed below, they offer you a shorter URL that will redirect users to your page. |
So, you have a web page with a lot of traffic, or you expect to have a lot of traffic in the future and you decide you want to have your own domain name. But what is a good name you wonder ? Well here are some guidelines.
A Domain name costs (if it is COM, NET or ORG) $70 for the first two years, this does not include space for your page. Now that you have decided your name and you want to register your domain, you can do so by clicking here. |
Hosting: |