

Contains numerous affiliate directory programs. They collect all your earning from programs listed with them to ONE check instead of several smaller ones. An Affiliate Directory often has Pay per CLICK programs, Pay per VIEW and Pay per SALE programs available.


You have to know!
Cost per thousand impressions(CPM)
Click-through Ratio (CTR)
Conversion Ratio (CR)
Referral Commissions
AC and PID numbers


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Commission Junction - Get Paid!

Commission Junction - Get Paid! In our opinion the Best Affiliate partner !

Commission Junction is the worldwide leader in affiliate marketing that matches online merchants' products and services to online content at the consumer's point-of-interest. Commission Junction handles all aspects of its global network - more than 1,000 merchants and 250,000 content providers - at a cost that is far lower than traditional online advertising programs.

 Link is another way of earning Money with Affiliate partner !

Make money with your site:
Pay per Click, Pay per View, Affiliate Directories

You can use spare space on your homepage to place advertisements for money. Depending on the advertisement, you get paid per click, per sale or per view. Those payments are either flat fee's or percentages. These programs are often referred to as 'Affiliate programs'.

On the web there are literally thousands of Affiliate programs around. If you have a relatively big website visited by quite a lot of people each month, then becoming a member of an Affiliate Directory is a better idea, this way, you receive only one check instead of numerous, therefore decreasing your issuing costs of the checks.

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Pay per Click: Recommended : ValueClick

Pay per View: Recommended:

Every time somebody clicks on an advertisements on your homepage you get paid. Prices range per click from $0.01 up to $0.40 depending on what program you join.

Every time somebody sees the advertisement, you get paid. Often these companies per 1000 impressions.


Pay per Sale: Recommended:


Every time somebody buys something you get paid. Sometimes this is a flat fee, say $9.95 and sometimes you earn a percentage of the sale ranging from 2% to 70%



Affiliate Directory: Recommended: Commission Junction, LinkShare ,

Contains numerous affiliate programs. They collect all your earning from all programs listed with them to one check instead of several smaller ones. An affiliate directory often has Pay per click programs, Pay per view and Pay per Sale programs available.


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Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)

The practice of calculating a cost per thousand ad displays. It is used with programs that pay on a impression basis, with the CPM rate being the amount you earn for every 1000 times an advertisement is displayed. For example a $5 CPM means you earn $5 every time 1000 ads are displayed on your site. CPM can also be calculated for pay-per-sale, pay-per-lead and pay-per-click programs by using the following formula: Amount Earned from Program/# of Ad Impressions/1000 Calculating the CPM of affiliate programs can be an effective way to compare results over time from various programs, allowing you to put more emphasis on the strong programs, and dropping the poorly performing programs.

Click-through Ratio (CTR)

Click-Through Ratio (CTR) is the percentage of visitors who click-through on a link to visit the merchant's web site. Higher click-through's are preferable although not always a measure of success. Pay-per-click program earnings are highly dependent on click-through ratios. Click-through ratios can be improved through a variety of means including: making links more visible to visitors, adding personal comments or testimonials about the benefits of a product, or even reducing the number of possible links that a visitor has to follow.

Conversion Ratio (CR)

Conversion Ratio (CR) is the ratio of visitors from your site that are "converted" to a sale, lead or click, and go on to earn you a commission. A conversion ratio of 5% would mean that for every 100 visitors to your site, 5 would click-through, make a purchase and earn you a commission. Many factors will influence the conversion ratio including: how targeted the affiliate program's products are to your visitors' interests, the price and value of the products or services being promoted, and the professionalism and comfort-level the merchant's site provides to potential customers.

 Referral Commissions

In order for you to receive commissions from your affiliate referrals and for that activity to show up in your account, the new affiliate needs to have some sort of activity generated on their account. An affiliate simply signing up will not generate a commission; there must also be "activity". All commissions earned will show up on your transaction report as a "referral bounty" after we run the report at 2AM PST.

 About AC and PID numbers

When you signed up with Commission Junction, you were assigned two numbers. One is your account number (AC#), which is used to differentiate your account from every other affiliate's account. The other number is a personal identification number (PID#). This number links the banner, and merchant information, to your web site. You will notice that the PID# does not change from merchant to merchant. If you were to have two web sites registered with Commission Junction, they both would have the same AC#, but different PID#'s.


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